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"Explore Brazil's Natural Paradise: The best Tour Package to Bonito MS and Pantanal - Discover the Subaquatic Wonders of Bonito and the Wildlife of the Pantanal!"

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The guesthouse has comfortable and equipped accommodation to ensure a pleasant and relaxing stay. Furthermore, the guesthouse team is always ready to welcome visitors and provide information about the activities available on the farm.

For all Pantanal tours we recommend a visit to Bonito for at least 2 days. Packages of 3-5 days (or 2 - 4 nights) including transfers in/out. Our offer cannot be compared with that of other providers. The lodge is more upscale, the food is much better, the excursions last longer and the guides are more competent. It is the best value for money in this category. Most people associate it with a visit to Bonito. 👇

Accommodation in Bonito Town Pousada

Accommodation at Bonito Inn with breakfast included

Visit to the Macaws lodgin place

Buraco das Araras is one of the largest sinkholes in the world, approximately 100 meters deep and 500 meters in circumference.

Blue Lake Cave

The Blue Lake Cave is, without a doubt, one of the most important attractions in Bonito .It is considered the city’s postcard, but it is not limited to just that. Its importance and the good state of conservation in which its geological formations are found are attracting more and more visitors. The attraction received its name as a tribute to the magnificent mirror of crystal clear and calm waters inside the cave. It is formed by a deep water table that feeds the blue lake. The importance of the Lago Azul Cave The factors that most contributed to the Gruta do Lago Azul area being protected by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute (IPHAN) since 1978 were: its enchanting beauty, the fact that it is one of the largest flooded caves in the world and also one of the most important caves of the national speleological heritage. Duration Tour take 1Hour and 20 minute all trip.

meet some of our experience

Package To Pantanal and Bonito

Especially for you
Only we have north-south Pantanal and Bonito tours in especialy with bilingue guide for all  activities.


Click on the green button and talk to us to personalize your itinerary. 

This includes prior pickup by private car transfers in/out at the airport or bus station and hotel in Campo grande to Pantanal/Bonito – Bonito/Pantanal/Airport accommodation in the Pantanal – Bonito and tours included.

We can offer the best tour options at fair prices and you will be enchanted by the natural beauty of Bonito and the amazing wildlife of the Pantanal

Guaranteed satisfaction and zero risk!

If you get this PACKAGE from us, it will certainly be a pleasure to have you as a visitor and give you an unforgettable experience.


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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when 

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when 

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